Why Did I Delete an Episode? - Weekly Update 5

Hey everyone! Welcome to the Andrew Deitsch Podcast. I hope all my American friends had a happy 4th of July. It's been almost a full week since I uploaded, and there is an explanation for this. Not a fun explanation, but it's just something that happened, and we need to talk about it so that we can move forward.

If you're joining me for the first time, I want to welcome you to the show! Thanks for checking it out. I'm really glad you have decided to join all of us! Just over a month ago I started uploading these and about 750 people are listening to them every day, so there's a pretty good chance that if you're listening to this right now, there is someone else who is listening to this podcast right now too. Even with the week hiatus, I have still stayed consistent with my daily number of listeners, probably due to the amount of content I have pumped out in the past month!

On this episode, I will be sharing what happened to episode 23, sharing my favorite new podcast that I have been listening to, preview the next episode, and I am also having a giveaway so make sure to listen to the end of this episode to find out how you can enter. If none of that interests you, I suggest you switch to one of the other episodes where I have an amazing conversation with an interesting person!

A couple of days ago I found Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's podcast and I am listening to his lecture series called "Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories" 

The series is being recorded in Toronto in front of a live audience every week this summer. Its extremely fascinating because although Dr. Peterson isn't religious he carefully examines the significance behind the Bible and why it has played such a huge role in history. Too often do you hear intellectuals completely writing off the bible as a collection of silly stories, but Dr. Peterson thinks it's not that simple. I am on the second episode of this series, and it's extremely fascinating stuff. If you are into psychology or the ideas of religion and human behavior I would highly recommend this podcast.

Episode 24 is coming up next with my friend Chad Jarry. Chad and his brother own a clothing brand called Wool Brothers. They have gotten a ton of traction since launching a few months ago. They have started off with hats, and let me tell you after hearing Chad's episode I know you all will need one of your own. During this episode we talked about his inspiration behind the company, obstacles that they have had to overcome, the causes that they support, and what to expect next from Wool Brothers. That podcast will be released very soon so stay on the lookout.

Why Did I Delete an Episode? - Weekly Update 5
Andrew Deitsch

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Music by Calvin Kraakevik

Andrew Deitsch