79: Side Hustle to Freedom - Ryan Helms


My guest today is Ryan Helms, the founder of Grit & Hustle. Last November he raised over $13,000 on Kickstarter to launch a tool called the Side Hustle Journal that gives 9 to 5'ers a system to turn their business idea into reality no matter how busy they are.

After a spontaneous trip to Africa he realized he needed to get his shit together and create a system so that he could have the freedom to take more trips and experience more out of life. He created a rough draft of what would eventually become the Side Hustle Journal, and he was able to pay off $35,000 in debt in 6 months by simply executing on his business plan.

Now the Side Hustle Journal has helped hundreds of other aspiring side hustlers to do the same. He's sharing those stories through the Hustle to Freedom Podcast that is launching March 26, 2018. 

Check out gritandhustle.co to grab your copy of the Side Hustle Journal!

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Music by Calvin Kraakevik

Andrew Deitsch